Monday, September 01, 2008


Chapter 7
priya .. good girl gone bad
she was MAD
but now she is really mad

lost the consciousness of being a sane human
she is changed from an angel into a devil's guardian
filled with all kinda shit attitude spoiling herself and walking on the wrong path
insane is the word she uses to describe herself
she does have a brain, but never used it after she met the bastard
I wish you had used it on time

keep losing her temper time to time which leads things to turn worst
really out of her own mind
damn confused about herself and her goals in life
she thinks that she knows everything, when she don't even know the damn realities and facts
can't see you walking on a path that will lead you nowhere, but into the puddle of mud

in reality, she possess a beautiful heart, but her brain is ruling her now
don't let your brain poise your heart

it doesn't matter if you are with me or not, but please refrain from going on the wrong path
I hope you get back to who you were, before it's too late

Chapter 8
here is a girl ... who is
tryin to be happy
tryin to smile
tryin to show that she is happy
when she is not at all

tryin to prove to someone
tryin to get herself busy with work and other activities

she loves herself a lot, more than anybody in this world, its always about her, her happiness, her choice, her attitude and so on
her family, friends or whoever you might be, come later
she don't respect anyone ahead of herself
never listen to anyone, doesn't matter whether she is wrong or right
she thinks she is always right, and if you are trying to prove her wrong, then you better fuck yourself, that is what she will say

this girl is unaware of the reality that those people whom she calls her friends, care the least about her
going through a tough phase where she is sure of failing and falling
lost in herself and alone
holding onto her tears like she never did
she is strong enough to survive, but how many days ?
like this, sooner or later we both are going to dry off