you took away the girl, who said,'I LOVE YOU'
you took away the LOVE, yours and mine too
you took away my heart
you took away the kindness of soul
you took away the mind that used to think
you took away the power of brain
you took away my passion
you took away all the dreams
you took away the days
you took away the sunshine
you took away the rays of hope
you took away the happiness
you took away the smile
you took away the sparkle from these eyes
you took away the purity of touch
you took away the gentle caring part of me
you took away the warmth from my hug
you took away the trust from my kiss
you took away the faith in goodness
you took away the sense of living
you took away the reason why I lived
you took away the magic from life
you took away the breathe
you took away the beat from heart
you took away the blood from veins
you took away the sense of confidence
you took away the respect of being myself